22/04/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 03/10/75

In order to serve in a broad and unlimited way, make your intellect broad and unlimited.

Do all of you consider yourselves to be those who understand the method and the law given by the Father who is theLaw­maker? Those who know the method and the law are embodiments of success and have practical results of theirevery thought and every deed. Do you experience yourselves to be like this? To be an embodiment of success meansto be an emperor of the land that is free from sorrow. Before attaining the fortune of the kingdom of the future, youwould be a carefree emperor at the present time, that is, there would be no trace of sorrow even in your thoughts,because you have come away from the iron age and are, at present, in the confluence age. Do you consideryourselves to be the confluence­aged emperors of the land that is free from sorrow? To be an emperor of the land thatis free from sorrow means to be a master of all the treasures of happiness. The treasures of happiness are thebirthright of Brahmins. It is because of this right that, today, the name and form of elevated souls are respected. Areyou such a living form of emperors of the land free from sorrow that the sorrow of many souls is removed for atemporary period by their taking your name. That, on seeing your images, people remember your divine activity?And that souls who are experiencing sorrow begin to experience happiness?

Do you know your treasures? Whilst keeping all the treasures in your awareness, constantly remain cheerful, that is,constantly remain beyond the attraction of the elements and the five vices. Together with these treasures ofhappiness, do you experience your complete and perfect form of belonging to the one Father and none other? Youknow how to keep the key to the treasures with yourself carefully, do you not? You don't lose the key, do you? Areyou able to hear the subtle call of time and of all the souls according to the time? Or, do you constantly remain busywith your own self? All your devotee souls of the previous kalpa are invoking you, their special deities. They arechanting, "Come! come!". Whilst enhancing their invocation with beautiful music, that is, whilst playing a lot ofmusical instruments, they call out very loudly. They adopt many different means to make all of you happy. Whilstlistening to them in the living form in an incognito way, do you not have mercy for them? Or, are you still busy inhaving mercy for your own self? Only by stabilising yourself in the form of a world benefactor, a great donor and abestower of blessings will you be able to feel mercy. You will only have mercy when you experience yourself to bethe form of a world mother or world father. Then, you would not be able to tolerate the sorrow or wandering of anysoul. However, you remain stable in this form for a very short period. According to the time, the form of service hasto be vast and unlimited. What is the unlimited form of service? Would you call what you are doing at presentunlimited? That you had an unlimited mela? In comparison to the early days, you may call it unlimited, but what isthe final unlimited form?

According to the speed of time, in just the task of giving the message, to what percentage have you given themessage? Are you able to see the nine hundred thousand subjects of the beginning of the golden age in front of you?The subjects of the beginning would also have some spcialities, would they not? Are souls with such specialitiesvisible at all the centres, or are they still behind a veil? Are you able to see the rosary of 16,000? Have the teachersprepared the rosary of 16,000? What is the date for removing the veil? Of course, it has to happen according to thetime, but do not become careless whilst thinking in this way. Now create unlimited plans. Unlimited plans meansthat whomsoever you serve, that soul should become instrumental to serve many others. Each soul should become aninstrument to serve an unlimited number of souls. At present, each of you is giving time to another individually.Now, serve souls who themselves become instruments to serve many others.

Let there be service through their name. Many souls, on the basis of their relations, connections and service, are verywell known, that is, others have an impression of their virtues and activities in advance. It is not just a question ofsomeone being wealthy or just a question of position, but many ordinary souls, on the basis of their virtues and theirservice, are very well­known in their own field. Whether they are politicians or religious leaders, they should beinfluential. You should select souls who would become instruments to serve others on your behalf. Such qualityservice now remains to be done.

Souls become well­known by their name in two ways. One is because of their having a position of importance;secondly, they become well­known because of their virtues and activities. Those whose names are glorified on thebasis of their important position are only able to create an impression for a temporary period, whereas an impressioncreated by souls who are well­known because of their virtues and activities is for all time. Therefore, let such soulsemerge to become instruments for spiritual service; then you will be able to do unlimited service in a short time. Thisis known as fast speed of service; so that many are able to be shot by just one arrow. When such souls come, manyother souls automatically come. So now, let service take on such a form. Souls who become instruments for suchservice will not become regular Godly students like you; your relationship and contact with them would be close andloving. You have to have a broad and unlimited intellect; so according to their desires and whilst they consider it tobe a method for their attainment, make them instruments to serve many others through their own experience. In orderto do this type of unlimited service, you need to have discrimination power. Therefore, now have such a broad andunlimited intellect and let service take on an unlimited form. Now, we shall see which worthy children give the proofof doing such unlimited service. Those who become instruments to do such service claim a right to a royal status.From the results, we shall know which zone will claim number one. Achcha.

To such serviceable souls who have a broad and unlimited intellect; to those who serve many others even throughtheir thoughts; to such tireless servers, the same as the Father; to the worthy children who give the proof, BapDada'slove, remembrance and namaste.

Personal Meeting:

Now, with the matchstick of determined thought, burn away weaknesses of Ravan.

BapDada, the Immortal Image, who gives the blessings of mukti and jeevanmukti to all souls, says: Do you consideryourselves to be angels who sit in the gathering of angels? An angel means one who has all relationships, allconnections with the One. An angel is one who has all relations with the One and who is constantly stable in a steadystage. Every thought, every second and every word spoken is in the love of One and service is also for the One.Whilst walking, moving, seeing, speaking and performing actions, such souls would be beyond any corporealfeelings; they would be avyakt, that is, the foot of their intellect would be beyond the awareness of the ground, that is,the body; they would remain up above. Even whilst being incorporeal, Baba takes a physical support and incarnatesinto the corporeal for the sake of Godly service, in order to take children back home with Himself and to give truebhagats the fruit of their long time of doing bhakti. In the same way, to be an angel means to be loving and detached.Do you consider yourself to be a soul who has incarnated in the same way as the Father? That is, that you havereceived this physical Brahmin life for the sake of doing Godly service? Religious founders come to play their part ofestablishing their religion. In the same way, your duty is to be an incarnation of shakti (power). At this moment, youare an incarnation, a religious founder.

Apart from the task of establishing a religion, you Brahmin souls, that is, you souls who have incarnated do not haveany other task. Those who constantly have this awareness and are constantly engaged in this task are called angels.Angels are double light. One kind of light is to constantly be the form of light. The second kind of light is to bedetached from the burden of any type of karmic accounts of the past, that is, to remain light. Do you consideryourselves to be the form of light in this way?

You do not use this Brahmin birth for anything other than Godly service; you do not use it without shrimat, or on thedictates of others or of your own mind, do you? This Brahmin birth is an invaluable treasure which you havereceived from the Father for the sake of Godly service. You do not mix anything in this invaluable treasure which hasbeen entrusted to you, do you? You cannot use even one breath of this Brahmin life, even in your thoughts, for anyother task. This is why, on the path of bhakti, there is the memorial of remembering God at every breath. Are youangels constantly or angels for a temporary period? On the path of bhakti also, they have the discipline thatsomething that has been donated cannot be used for any other purpose. So, what was the first promise that all of youmade to BapDada for your Brahmin birth? Do you remember that or have you forgotten it? The first promise youmade to the Father was that you would surrender your body, mind and wealth to the Father. Since you havesurrendered everything, it means you have surrendered your thoughts, breath, words, relations, all people, materialpossessions, sanskars, nature, attitude, vision and awareness. This is called surrender. You use an even morepowerful word than surrender, that is, you call yourselves the complete renunciates.

Are all of you complete renunciates or just renunciates? To be a complete renunciate means that whatever you haverenounced, whether it is relations, connections, intentions, nature or sanskars, you have renounced them together withtheir progeny and all trace of the karmic accounts of the last sixty­ three births. This is why it is called completerenunciation. To be such a complete renunciate who has also renounced the progeny of everything means that youcan never even have the thought that your nature and sanskars of the past are like that now. Do the karmic accountsof the past pull you even now? Does the burden of any karmic bondage, the burden of any relationship of karma, theburden of the support of any person or any material possession pull you towards itself? These are not the thoughts orwords of one who is a complete renunciate. One who is a complete renunciate would be free from all bondages andall burdens and would be a multimillion times fortunate soul who creates his fortune in every thought. Such soulsearn an income of multimillions at every step. You are such complete renunciates, are you not? You are stable in themeaning of the words, are you not? You are not those who just speak these words, but those who are the meaning ofthe words and inspire others to become this also, are you not? You do not find it difficult, do you? There shouldn'teven be any question of you finding anything difficult, because this is the religion and action of Brahmin life.Whatever is one's life or whatever is one's original religion, one does not find practising that to be difficult. Youonly find it difficult when you do not consider yourself to be an incarnated soul, that is, a soul who is the incarnationof shakti. Always remember that you are an incarnation. You are a religious founder who establishes a religion.Religion means that your every thought is automatically for the sake of your religion. Do you understand? Such asoul is called an angel.

Now, you should never speak words such as: What can I do? How can I do it? It doesn't happen like it should. Idon't know how to do it. It happens even though I don't want it to happen. Who speaks these words? Would anangel or someone who is a complete renunciate speak such words? If you are a master almighty authority, how canthese be your words? Compare the two aspects. Can a master almighty authority speak such words?

Can a soul who liberates others from their bondages speak such words? Are these the words of a soul who is freefrom bondage? You are all souls who are free from bondage, are you not? From today, finish such words andthoughts for all time. With the matchstick of determined thought, burn the weaknesses of Ravan, that is, celebrate thetrue Dashera. Become victorious over the ten aspects: any trace of the five vices and any type of attraction of the fiveelements, that is, celebrate the day of true victory. Achcha.

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